HEADING NORTH, one of the standout items from Regal’s Constant Foolingbooks, is a rising card effect that incorporates a simple, foolproof gimmick inspired by a brilliant concept by the late, great Irv Wiener. The gimmick is a playing card, now professionally made for the first time, that has been turned into a rising device. The gaffed card can be in the deck for an entire card act and brought into use whenever the performer desires.
Included along with two Bicycle gimmicks, one red and one blue, is the heretofore unpublished routine “Rising Transpo”, and it’s an absolute killer: Two cards are selected. The first slowly rises from the center of the deck and is tossed face down to the table. A magical gesture and another card rises…but it’s the same card as the one just tabled. The tabled card is turned over – it has become the second selection. The gimmick makes this two-phase effect almost automatic.