Every order comes with a FREE “Off With His Head” – the perfect carry-all-the-time packet effect. GIMMICKS INCLUDED!
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David Regal in the U.K.
“Learning magic from David Regal is like drinking a glass of fine wine. It‘s wonderfully satisfying, complex and best in small doses. Too much Regal will f*** you up!”
– Wayne Houchin
“here in Hollywood, we’ve made our attitude about David Regal clear: We tried to export him to Britain. Not only did they insist on sending him back, but upon his return he was accompanied by a brand new set of DVD‘s. They‘re so commercial, we may never figure out how to unload him.“
– Max Maven
“One of the best thinkers in magic.“
– Dean Dill
“I‘m so jealous of Regal’s creativity – he always fools me...always!”
– Andy Nyman
“David Regal has been a wellspring of clever magic ideas for over twenty years.“
– Jamy Ian Swiss
Join David Regal on this whirlwind tour of the UK and along the way, find out exactly why he is universally acknowledged among his peers as one of the most prolific, imaginative and original magic creators of modern times.
Over this jam packed, triple disk set you‘ll discover 28 original Regal effects – all fully explained! This is killer material suitable for a host of venues – a lot of it NEW and UNPUBLISHED – and has never been on video before!
You‘ll also have your own personal front row seat at David‘s Star Lecture! Shot on multiple camera‘s for the optimum viewing experience, this hour and a half long lecture covers no less than 12 original Regal effects!
And, there‘s MORE!
There‘s a TON of additional content (accessible via your computer) on these disks including notes, and printable props.
Monte Python
Sticker Shock
Nothing to Hide
The Survey
The Secret
A Quiet Goodbye
Royal Jazz Quartet
Letter Perfect
Sensitive Fingers
Sensitive Mind
Matter of Stat
Breaking the Rules
How to Cheat vol.1
Getting an Earful
Vortex of Refreshment
The Hotel 52
Change for a Five
Restored Credit
A Quiet Goodbye
A Hook Up
Sudden Deck 2
The Puppy Trick
The Impossible Envelope
Cocoa Wild Card Mind Ball
The “Tricks” Collection
Volume One – Tricks
• The Déjà Vu Deck
• Everywhere
• Cheating
• Clearly Impossible
• Pasteboard Massacre
• There & Back
• Self-Evident
• Perchance to Dream
• The Half Deal
• Sending It Through
• All Strung Out
• Deep Guilt Aces
Volume Two – More Tricks
• All‘s Fair
• The Origami Bill
• Streamlined Assembly
• For Marlo
• Triple Vision
• Cups & Balls & Cups & Balls
• Illegal Collections
• The Flying Hole
• Ten Second Poker
• Red–Handed
• The Joker Works Overtime
• Flight of Fancy
Volume Three – Enough with the Tricks Already!
• Primate
• Leap of Faith
• Straightforward Collectors
• Clean Cut
• Bottoms–Up Aces
• Down Under Production
• Commercial Travel
• The World‘s First Card Trick
• Dave‘s Move–a-Card
• Logical Assembly
• Out of This Borough
• Four the Hard Way
The “Premise, Power & Participation” Collection
Vol. 1
Look at Me, I‘m Special (unpublished) – A four–Ace production that leads to an ultra-clean moment of magic.
Carried Away (from Constant Fooling) – An any-deck, any time incredible transportation.
Eight Ball (from Constant Fooling) – Ink slides off a playing card and forms itself into an eight ball!
Tenacious Climber (from Constant Fooling) – This entertaining approach to the
Ambitious Card plot leads to a climax that will fool all.
Coins Through the Table (from Constant Fooling) – Stand–up versions of this plot are few and far between . . . and this one is a killer.
Exhibit “A” (from Penumbra) – A stunning handling of Hamman‘s Signed Card plot. Magic just seems to happen.
Sum of the Parts (from Constant Fooling) – A spectator shuffles a deck and selects a card, then a demonstration of playing card mathematics (and visual changes) ensues in which cards “add up,“ finally totaling the selection!
Shred of Proof (from Constant Fooling) – An eerie revelation with dozens of applications.
My Best Friend (from Close–Up & Personal) – A chop cup routine with a difference
. . . in the form of a small mouse.
Chink–A–Drink (from Constant Fooling) – The classic assembly with a logical kicker.
Vol. 2
Isolated Force (from Close–Up & Personal) – A unique and convincing force of a card in which the back of the card is never seen.
Half & Half (from Star Quality) – A signed card changes color in an atypical fashion.
Perfectly Oiled (from Star Quality) – A very clear Oil & Water effect that builds to a no–moves climax.
Face It, You‘ve Changed (from Constant Fooling) – A spectator selects a card, examines it and signs it. Its back changes color . . . in spite of the fact that the magician never touches the card.
An Incredible Journey (from Star Quality) – A signed card invisibly travels into a card box that has been placed inside the magician‘s jacket pocket.
Not Quite Dead / Haunted Pack (unpublished) – A demonstration of supernatural forces that uses a classic method in a novel way.
A Magic Lesson (from Constant Fooling) – A tongue–in–cheek explanation of Card to Pocket leads to an inexplicable magical climax involving a spectator‘s signature.
Holding On (from Star Quality & Constant Fooling) – A playing card is signed. The magician stands and reaches under the table with an empty hand. When he presses on the deck, the selection passes through the table.
Prophecy Pack (dealer item, details of construction explained) – This is the incredible hands–off prediction effect Regal used to fool all and sundry when he moved to the West Coast.
Penny for Your Thoughts (from Close-Up & Personal) – A glass of pennies is examined-the dates are different. The spectator selects a penny while the performer‘s back is turned, yet the performer tells him the date.
Fill in the Blank Transpo (from Constant Fooling) – One of Regal‘s current signature pieces–a clear and spotlessly clean transposition of two playing cards.
Vol. 3
Lucky Seven (from Constant Fooling) – An incredible self–working prediction effect, presented complete with Regal‘s latest touches.
Control Yourself (from Constant Fooling) – A shuffled-deck impossibility. Two spectators are given the ability to find their own selections.
Clandestine Collectors (from Close–Up & Personal) – A handling of the collector‘s theme with some uniquely sneaky elements.
Not This (from Constant Fooling) – Anytime, anywhere impromptu mentalism. All you need is paper and a pencil.
Coincidence Deck (from Constant Fooling) – A display of amazing sympathy that can involve everyone in the room.
A Simple Woodcutter (unpublished) – Spectators shuffle the deck, yet the top card matches the magician‘s prediction . . . which is carved into a plank of wood.
Off–Color Thought (from Constant Fooling) – A visually perfect switch with myriad applications.
Mystic Poker (from Close–Up & Personal) – A new plot. The spectator draws any card that can be found in a royal flush onto a blank card . . . then the magician magically prints the other cards needed to fill out the hand!
Mucilaginous Monte (from Constant Fooling) – A monte with sequences that will slay.
Vol. 4
The Stand–Up Magic of David Regal
Journey to Love (from Constant Fooling) – This impossible prediction injects comedy and audience by–play into Don Wayne‘s “Room Service“ plot (based on a wonderful Larry Becker method).
Swindle Transpo (from Close–Up & Personal) – Subtlety is layered upon subtlety in a playing card transposition that can play on the largest stage.
Got a Light? (from Close–Up & Personal) – Two matchboxes are examined, then proceed to perform an incredible series of animations. A combination of the “Sympathetic Matchboxes“ and “Acrobatic Matchbox“ plots. Perfect for walk- around.
The Very Last Card (from Constant Fooling) – A card-elimination routine that utilizes test conditions to create a devastating outcome. This will bother people.
Bonus Routine:
After Hours (from Constant Fooling) – Regal’s contribution to the full–deck story genre, this is distilled entertainment guaranteed to generate applause.
“I can count on the fingers of one hand the magic DVD’s I’ve bought in the last 20 years that have got me smiling from the first minute with the ingenuity, simplicity and visuality of the effects on them. These are 6 effects that I genuinely cannot wait to go out and perform.“ – Ian Mitchell, North Cornwall, UK
Luke Dancy and David Regal have joined forces once again to present some of the most eye–popping, astonishing card magic ever developed, using an extremely versatile, and DECEPTIVELY SIMPLE TECHNIQUE.
• Causing a poor poker hand to instantly morph into a Royal Flush...
• Performing the 3 Card Monte, only to cause all three cards to change to three completely different cards...
• Transposing the aces under the fairest conditions, and ending with a climax that has to be seen to be believed...
• Reading the minds of three spectators under impossible conditions...
• Slowly and visually erasing the faces of 4 court cards, only to have them reappear in the cleanest possible fashion...
• Causing four jokers to reveal a selected card in a surprising and novel way, and then transform into the selections’ mates…
What is taught on this DVD is just the beginning. The effects possible are limited only by your imagination.
This is what card magic is supposed to look like. This is DST.
Wayne Houchin’s “Art of Magic”
Wayne Houchin’s Art of Magic is a groundbreaking instructional DVD on classic and contemporary magic tricks. This 120 minute – performance and instructional DVD features a unique look at the current state of magic. Including interviews with David Regal, Aaron Fisher, Dan and Dave Buck and (of course) Wayne Houchin. The interviews are combined with live performance footage of WH performing both on the street and at The Magic Castle – from South Beach, Miami to Hollywood, California. WHAT’S ON THE DVD?
– A 60 minute documentary on the Art of Magic featuring David Regal, Aaron
Fisher, Dan & Dave, and WH.
– An in-depth 60 minute teaching session during which Wayne Houchin explains how to perform 5 of the effects that were featured in the documentary. You will learn:
TWISTING THE ACES – Wayne Houchin’s handling of Dai Vernon’s classic effect. The four aces magically turn face up one at a time. Clean, beautiful, and amazing.
FRENCH KISS – You ask someone to sign a playing card – the card is then folded up and placed in your spectator’s mouth. You take and sign another card – which you then fold up and place in your mouth. Impossibly, the 2 folded up cards switch places. Your signed signed card is in the spectator’s mouth and her card is in yours. Simple and powerful.
WH RING+STRING MYSTERY – A piece of string visually penetrates through a borrowed ring. New, unique, practical, and FUN.
MATCH BITE – A lit match is extinguished on your tongue. The magician then bites off the burnt end, chews it up, and spits it back onto the match. Impromptu and uses only one match.
CARBON PAPER – An incredibly powerful effect contributed to AOM by Jay Sankey. The back of a playing card is burned – your spectator FEELS the burn from that card travel through their hand and end up on a signed card that has been between their hands for the entire effect… leaving the originally burnt card completely unharmed. Performed and taught by Wayne Houchin.
The documentary and instructional portions of this DVD attempt to capture a modern look at the Art of Magic through personal anecdotes, advice, and live performance. The interviews touch on everything from the presentation of magic to advice for beginners, and why magician’s fail. The effects taught are practical and suitable for both beginners and the intermediate student. Welcome to Art Of Magic.
Running Time Approximately: 2 hrs
Red Streamlined Convertible
An assembly of four odd–backed kings combining ease of handling with a smooth, unforgettable ride.
No Gaffed Cards.
No Gaffed Anything.
The assembly of four cards is classic plot, and the incorporation of four odd– backed cards in an assembly, a Lynn Searles idea, makes for greater impact, clarity and additional magical moments.
Red Streamlined Convertible is David Regal’s elegantly structured card routine that melds existing concepts with his own in a way that almost magically economizes on sleights, moves and excess handling.
Well within the abilities of the average magician, yet a powerful vehicle for amazement.
Running Time: approximately 44 mins